About Me

Hello, my name is “SAI KWARN KHAM”. You can call me “Tom Russel” too. I started to notice my passion for Technologies when I got to use computers. Back in those days, being able to use Microsoft Office, Email and Search Engine is a big deal. The computer literacy came to me neutrally. People looked up to me for even registering a new Gmail account.

Later, when the internet became more main stream, we got to play online video games. I was able to hack most games by using Cheat Engine. Although, it’s not because I knew exactly how to hack, it’s because I followed the tutorials I found online. But I learned the fundamentals by following the tutorials. Later I was able to use the Cheat Engine for my needs without following the tutorials.

I was a Medical Student at that time. I knew I have to make big decision by changing my learning to Computer Science. As an Asian, it’s very hard to turn down the Medical University. I had to go through the struggles to make it happen.

Fast forword, I graduated from Greenwich University, London with 2nd Class Honours (1st Division). I have got a bachelor degree in Business Information Technology.

My work experiences

Vanguard Myanmar (SAP – Data Analyst) 2017

I was hired as a data analyst in Vanguard Myanmar. As my first job I was very enthusiastic and trying my best to contribute to the company. I have learned about the ERP software and the reporting tools. As a data analyst, I was tinkering with database(MSSQL) and getting myself familiar with the software most of the time. Due to employee shortage, I was sent to be a representive at a client company shortly after I was hired. The job was challenging (I love challenges) and the company is great. But after one month I felt furstruated for being restricted within the SAP ecosystems and not much programming or data analyzing is included in the job. That is the reasonI resignned from the company.

Doesoh Information Technology (Software Developer) 2017

I was hired as a software developer in Doeosh and I was very excieted to continue my software development jouney. At that time Doesoh have 2 Projects (Facebook Messenger Bot and GPS tracking platform). I was the only developer on site. The other and only senior developer was from Singapore. We worked together and communicated remotely. I was introduced to Linux Server administration. I was able to learning many things from the GPS tracking platform(Traccar). I was able to update the Traccar software to latest version and updated the deprecated configuration. That results in more than 97% uptime across 3 servers. After diagnosing and patching knows issues, I was able a build an web application(Laravel) for internal employees to use. The web application is a Quiz app to help the employees learn domain knowledge and onboarding new employees. After that, I conducted experiments with new arriving GPS hardwares and I was able to find the the optimal configuration for many Chinese GPS(Un-documented). That achievement enabled the company to spend more than 200% less on GPS hardwares. Those contribution happened within 2 months after I joined.

Henry Group (Frontend Developer) 2017 JuneĀ  to 2018 January

I left Doesoh to join the Henry Group’s IT department. Henry Group is Chinese organization. At that time they were starting to recruting Developers from Myanmar for the software solution. I was hired as a Frontend Developer. As they stick to Vue.js for frontend web development, I had to learn Vue.js and contribute my work at the same time. Although, the compay allowed the learning period for one month, I was able to work with backend developers from China in just 2 weeks. As a fronent developer,  my contributions include optimizing UI, resolving bugs, and adding new features by utilizing backend APIs effectively.

Henry Group (Senior Frontend developer) 2018 January to 2019 November

In 2018, I was promoted to Senior position because we had 3 new frontend developers joining the Team and I was responsible for training the new comers both technically and logically. I found out each individual has own strength and decided to allocated the responsibilites accordingly. One of my juniors is interested in design. So when it’s comes to CSS I assign the task to her. The other one strength is fixing code. He prefers to working on an existing codebase. Thus, I assign the bug fixing tasks to him. The last one is good in following the code. If you show him how to do things once, he can reproduce well. Therefore, I usually asked him to reproduce my solutions that needed in another project. Finally, the rest of the responsibilities(Optimizing, Bug Diagnosis, Deployment, Code design patterns and New Functionalities) fall on me.

Henry Group (Lead Developer) 2019 November – 2023 June

Although I was a frontend developer at Henry Group, I did not let my backend go rusty. I keep on learning the updates(both frontend and backend). Whenever there’s oppotunity, I contruibuted to the backend and server. Later, I was appointed as a Lead Developer. I lead and built a TRC20-USDT trading platform, simliar to P2P in Binance. As a lead developer, I had got the oppotunities to explore various solutions to tackle the problems we faced. I kept extending my tech stacks versatility as we kept receiving projects from our partner software house to maintain and I didn’t want to be left behind. Despite the pandemic, I tried my best to keep connected and work effectively remotely. Over the years, I had built microservices with Laravel and Node.js, maintained serval React.js projects, took over a large-scale Django project and tried out many exciting Flutter app. Moreover, I had recruited one DevOps engineer and together, we’re able to optimize, automate and upgrade our infrastructure for better and effective solutions. In 2023, I was notified that the “work from home” culture will be dismissed and Henry Group decied to base in China and I will be let go because I lack Chinese communication skills.

ILLUVIUM (Chief Technical Officer) 2023 June – 2024 February

ILLUVIUM was a startup Software House Company. When ILLUVIUM got investors and ready to startup, I was recomended by the Henry Group to one of the investors. I assembled a team from former company immediately to start working on one of the projects(Restaurent Chains Management Platform) from ILLUVIUM idea. While, working on the project, I kept on recruiting developers for other projects. A couple months later, ILLUVIUM is able to fully operate as a software house physically in an office tower. I took care of the leasing process, furniture installation process, infrastrure installation process, and hiring process (from making job advertisments, interviewing and hiring) before ILLUVIUM is able the carry out full operation. After that, as a Chief Technical Officer, I was responsible for choosing tech stacks for projects, set up conventions for teamwork, monitoring & mentoring developers for code best practices, choosing the best soluitons for projects and monthly performance reviews on developers. Moreover, I also contributed to the coding process too, specially the parts that no one can’t do. But starting from 2023 October, a lot of wars started emerging all over Myanmar. All our projects areas have turned into warzone in 2023 December. Therefore, the investors decided not to continue the operation of ILLUVIUM and my emplyment was ended in 2024 February. During my time in ILLUVIUM, Restaurent Chains Management Platform was successfully finished and ready to be deployed. I also developed a Micro-service (USDT trading and exchange) that can be plugged in to any project. A chatting application with financial solution included (similar to wechat) is also at the final state of the development. A service that facilitates the visa process when travelling to Thailand was successfully deployed.